Introducing… Donkey Kong Butt Cheeks

donkeykongbuttcheeksfrom the makers of ( x make it clap ),
wolves here comes “donkey kong butt cheeks”…

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How To Make It Clap While Walking To The Bodega

oh-my-thats-an-ass-clapmake it clap?…

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WOLF MEAT: (334)

what chu think of his…


tumblr_mjfa1xSuhY1s6gsjfo1_500remember him?
well how could we forget.
i’m sure the wolves didn’t.

( x see entry here )

well one of my fav wolf-bi found some more wolf meaty pictures for review…

Continue reading “WOLF MEAT: RE-HEAT (333)”

WOLF MEAT: (332)

Screen Shot 2013-08-15 at 12.14.46 AMnothing tastes better like some big juicy fruit, right?
well what about this below?…
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WOLF MEAT: (331)

Screen Shot 2013-08-11 at 7.56.30 PMyes wolves.
its been a while.
it’s real and all that wolf meat is for you for you…
Continue reading “WOLF MEAT: (331)”