DJ Arafat Is A West African Cake Smuggler

DJ-Arafat-1-so everyone meet dj arafat.
i never heard of him.
maybe you have.
well i posted a video yesterday of ( x rappers sagging ).
well he had a scene at 4:25 and this was it…
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WOLF MEAT: (340)

tumblr_lq18ddc9Pw1qjmb49o1_500did you get down on your knees this morning?
you should be thankful god woke you up.
grateful to be brought out of yesterday safely.
it’s also going to be an amazing week a-head
Continue reading “WOLF MEAT: (340)”

iSPY: WOLF MEAT: (339)

febbuses281429my favorite seat on the bus.
the view is always exceptional.
you can always see who is cummin on or getting off.
maybe to get you off?
well someone else from tumblr feels the same as well.
like so…

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WOLF MEAT: (338)

tumblr_lkcitwsOX71qdtcy3o1_500these cakes have a different taste.
ones you may or may not be used too…

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WOLF MEAT: (337)

tumblr_m80mkc5E5G1qe7mxjo1_500that’s right.
always look in front...

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WOLF MEAT: (335)

tumblr_mq3lj4Cgju1ssphx9o1_500that’s a wide bumper.
…i meant the car.