Jamie Foxx Elects Him, Will Smith, and Kanye West As New Civil Rights Leaders

civilleaderswould you take leadership from jamie foxx?
what about will smith and kanye west?
well jamie wants to step up to the plate since no one else is.
check his speech at the lincoln memorial
honoring martin luther king’s “i have a dream” own speech

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The Philly in Willy Nearly Beat That Reporter Trying To Steal A Kiss

Next time you run up on Will looking for a kiss,
you may just get:

I can’t even imagine what was going through that reporter’s head (the top one) in this video below….

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Tyson Beckford Is Having Great Sex… Without Us.

While Australian girlfriend Shanina Shaik was backstage getting ready for her angel debut at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show last night, Tyson Beckford was on the red carpet, giving VH1 News intimate details on their sex life that we couldn’t make up if we tried.

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“She was so stressed up until this point,” Tyson, 40, said of his 21-year-old girlfriend. “I made her work out and I’ve been withholding love for a while,” he explained of how he’s helped her relieve her stress. Hmm, interesting method.

“We gonna get into trouble tonight,” he added with a grin. And then, went on to describe how much “trouble” they’ve gotten into in the past. “We’ve been known to be in the garage, in the kitchen, in the washroom. It don’t matter.”

The garage? OK, now he has our attention.

“On the motorcycle,” Tyson said. “The motorcycle was on the stand. One hot night we came back from the club, it was like 85 degrees out, you know how it is. She was on the bike, I was standing up.”
Oh my. Is it 85 degrees in here?

“We do also have a Victoria’s Secret maid outfit, so she cleans up,” he went on, insisting that this part was Shanina’s idea. “She goes to the store and brings it back. Big fan of stockings. Not necessarily fishnets, the really nice hosiery, the garter belts.”

Well, then. We’ll all just continue to hold that one in our minds for a while. Oh, and Tyson did also say he plans to return to modeling, after more than 10 years away from the scene, because there are “no brothers in the magazines.” We can’t wait.


Sounds hot…
but this was hotter…

Continue reading “Tyson Beckford Is Having Great Sex… Without Us.”

1 is the UN-Loneliest Number

Going out alone has always been weird to me.

I am so use to finding someone else to tag along with to occupy time.
I always felt it meant you were a loner or banished by society.
Lately, I have been feeling unfulfilled with people in my life.
Tired of waiting for phone calls, waiting for late people to arrive, and tired of being alone even if I am out with a ton of people
(read between the lines of that last statement).

So, I made a desicion to go out and enjoy my life as a solo act.
Go out there, network, and find what I am looking for.

Pop the hood for what I discovered…

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Jiffy Pop

I was lurking over @ my guilty pleasure, DG Source

(sends a shout out)

when I came across a sight for sore eyes.

… and sore eyes cause I was damn near about to cry.

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