THIS is Fox Talk ONLY.

You ever look in the mirror and cringed when you saw yourself?
You thought you were ugly or just a monster (and not Kanye)?
You could not understand why someone like you was single?

I hear a lot of my Foxes out there saying they are ugly.
ALOT of Foxes have very low self-esteem even though they have the brightest fur.

Well this is for you…

Continue reading “FOXY LIFESTYLE: “U SHO’ IS UGLY””

Ugly Boys Have Different Rules

YIM goes off on The Foxberry.
I am hoping it is everything I was thinking about in my last entry.

The Freak: Yo bout to get off work.
The Freak:
Wha you doin?
The Freak:
How about some head?

Continue reading “Ugly Boys Have Different Rules”