the lowkey steps make more noise than you think

i usually keep it lowkey but today?
i’m claiming my happiness.
for years,
i felt like an outsider looking in,
surrounded by my straight peers/associates,
always questioning where i stood.
picking up pom poms to cheer many of them on but when it came to me,
i barely got the same energy that i needed.
i won’t lie but it always hurt my feelings because it made me feel used.
i’ve come to learn…

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learn to use the straights before they try to use you

as a black gay content creator,
who has launched the Foxhole in 2009,
i learned the hard way how many straights can use you for their benefit.

i’ve seen other gays who do content or have pull get used as well.
if you have a “i want to be liked” spirit,
or “i want to fuck every attractive and sexy male” spirit,
you will always fall into their traps to your doom every time.
the hard reality is…

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i love when the tables turn.
it’s a good feeling.
it can make me horny for hours.
nothing better than when idiots get eggs all over their faces.
it seems that hiv isn’t a “gay issue” these days.
a foxholer sent me this to share with the class…


This Is Just My Face (Try Not to Stare)

“what you doing baby daddy?”

that was my straight wolf friend on the phone today.
i know you’re like “tf?”.
okay so i told him a few days ago that i wasn’t feeling good.
he told me that i was pregnant and i replied that it was “his”.
i’m a smart ass.
so today,
that was how he greeted me when he called me.
he’s cute and a “question mark”,
but after all the ww drama,
i try to keep these “situationals” short and sweet.
i’m not trying to get “caught up” with these weird straights anymore.
he did say something to me earlier tho…

Continue reading “This Is Just My Face (Try Not to Stare)”

The Bible Says You’re Going To Hell With Me!

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 presetyou know what i love?
when someone comes with the receipts to bring down a nation.
the type of receipts that will have you questioning what you believe.
well one tweeter did just that.
he happened to have dragged everyone who:

only “knows” religion when convenient

get into these tweets
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