brazilian beauty

before kevin spacey decided to destroy legacy,
he was known as one of the best actors from the 90s.

one of my favorite movies is “american beauty” that he stars in.
i recommend that movie to everyone because i love it so much.
the message in the movie is really deep and hits different as an adult.
this part in the movie goes down as one of the iconic scenes in movie history.

That song is on our iPhones as a ringtone,

when i saw that wolf above covered in roses,
it reminded me of that scene.
that wolf tho…

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Jaden Smith Blooms!

tumblr_mm514xhtmX1qzt880o1_1280jaden smith is always changing his look.
you can never say he is boring.
one of my f-bi wanted me to see the eve changing style star.
check out what he wore to coachella this weekend…
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