Tag: revenge porn
did kenya’s need more ‘moore’ drama get her the boot?

Kenya Moore has done something outrageous because her peach is on the chopping block.
after stirring up all kinds of chaos on “rhoa“,
it looks like kenya moore might be no “moore”.get it?
because her last name is…
never mind.
the rumor mill is churning with whispers about kenya atm.
i’m hearin’ that she is got fired to the entire season 16 being scrapped.
i’m confused why she would ( x allegedly show revenge porn ) at HER hair salon opening.
i think it’s just “created drama” to reel us in for the next season.
they’ve got to do something,
i mean,
if we’re being honest…
model matthew noszka got some alleged revenge porn pipe leakage?
i don’t know WHERE i firs =t saw matthew noszka,
but i followed him on the spot.
i know it was on snapchat,
but i don’t know where i saw him the first time.
i think i saw this:
…and followed asap.
he is a model and has contracts with calvin klein and nike.
he had a part on “star” too.
well on the day of the solar conjunction,
his sex tapes allegedly leaked and…
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i didn’t know he could spread his cheeks so wide (revenge porn)
revenge porn.
many people don’t realize it’s illegal in many states.
what is revenge porn?
according to ( x wikipedia ):
Revenge porn or revenge pornography is the distribution of sexually explicit images or video of individuals without their permission.[1] The sexually explicit images or video may be made by a partner of an intimate relationship with the knowledge and consent of the subject, or it may be made without his or her knowledge. The possession of the material may be used by the perpetrators to blackmail the subjects into performing other sex acts, to coerce them into continuing the relationship, or to punish them for ending the relationship.
you can get a fine and one to five years in jail.
not worth the drama.
i got a message on messenger from a dude i’m cool with.
the message?
It was him showering,
spreading his cheeks,
and fingering himself
oooooh yeah…
Continue reading “i didn’t know he could spread his cheeks so wide (revenge porn)” →
You Put My Nudes Online and I’ll Have Your Ass Arrested
“let me upload this to myexisabastard.com tonight.
that will show him!”
so your ex has pissed you off.
don’t they all?
well you have all his nudes and sex videos in your possession.
with a little photo shop you can block out your face and give everyone a little show and tell.
tell how much of a freak he is in the bed.
l with an upcoming law tho,
you better just jack off to the memories.
“revenge porn” could have you sitting in jail…
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