Tag: polaroid
take a mental picture of what you want and move on (for The Universe)
Author: jamari fox Published Date: August 28, 2019
i’m starting to understand The Universe as i go.
it was really confusing to me,
but i think that was the issue.
i was making it a bigger deal than it needed to be.
for a long time,
i asked The Universe:
“Why isn’t this happening?!
I asked for it!
…and nothing.
that seems to have changed because i’m getting more “in sync” than ever.
this morning,
i was on my twitter feed and saw this tweet:
How y’all feel about these pic.twitter.com/iY1GwIhxb8
— King
(@HartofGold91) August 28, 2019
that polaroid jacket made me so hard foxhole…
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