Tag: murder
why do ya’ll think julian taylor morris killed deundray cottrell?

ever have trouble keeping up with a story because it’s just too bizarre?
it’s like jon benet ramsey or the oj murders.
there is always a new twist and turn that makes it even more outrageous,
all the while in creating doubt along the way.
this one has the gay forests in a chokehold.
it’s a murder mystery that’s juicier than what you had for sunday brunch.
in a nutshell,
that trio called skiiboyz is now down to two.
the one with the dreads (deundray cottrell)?
he’s no longer with us.
the redbone (julian taylor morris)?
allegedly the prime suspect in why dreads is gone.
the whispers are everywhere:
Did he really murder Deundray?

here’s is what i got so far…
Continue reading “why do ya’ll think julian taylor morris killed deundray cottrell?” →did scoota brice go on a killing spree because he was DL?

Is Javonte Scoota Brice this the latest in DL hyenas going berserk?
or is this the fallback reason when hyenas kill vixens in the black community?
javonte scoota brice killed his mom,
and baby mama in tampa, florida.
he documented it all on you guessed it…
the details of carlos d. collins murder absolutely horrified me

i know people who make a lot of jokes about being stalked by their exes.
they have exes blowing up their phones from fake numbers,
showing up announced to their homes or place of business,
and poppin’ up in their DMS under fake names on their socials.
many straight males think its cute and funny when vixens are acting crazy over them.
I think that shit is wild scary.
you don’t know when someone has mentally reached the point of no return.
what i heard about carlos d. collins,
who was killed by his ex that was stalking him,
was absolutely horrific.
carlos even got a restraining order against his ex too.
the fact they allegedly arrested him and all let go before he un-alived carlos…
the killer onlyfans couple will be hoping for new love after lockup
before posting this story,
i wanted to get receipts first.
the foxhole was sending me things but no source.
when i went to investigate online,
i saw NOTHING.
it was hidden like the psychotic in these two hyenas.
( x catch up here )
eric dodds and johntae kavon collier,
the killing hyena tiktok/onlyfans couplen known as “eandjgang“,
will be enjoying their new diggs on cellblock d.
the verdict is in and…
Continue reading “the killer onlyfans couple will be hoping for new love after lockup” →
the gay couple who slay each other on onlyfans also murder together too? (how romanticals)
i won’t even lie to you…
I kinda sorta didn’t care about this story.
i have had foxholers break it down for me like i was 5 tbh.
gay attentionistos,
by the name of eric and john,
who promoted their love and lust over socials.
not only do they show us sugary sweet kisses on their mains,
but they also take us into their bedrooms to watch their lust and filth.
it’s easy to get a platform these days without a background check.
look good,
dress good,
social good,
and fuck good.
where have we seen that gay love story before?
the gays became stans but i wasn’t impressed when i saw them.
with a majority of social media love stories,
lgbtq along with the straights,
there is always a “gotcha” behind it all.
GOTCHAAAAAAAAAA because eric and john…
how to kill your trust fund boyfriend and get caught 3 years later
when you have something to offer behind your name,
you have to be very careful who you let in your life.
from having a good job,
connections in the industry,
or having a trust fund.
we like to use what we have to acquire who we want.
“If I let him know I have money/connections,
I can lure him into my bed even faster.”
it’s very manipulative on our part BUT it has worked on plenty.
in my head,
rashid young died because he met the wrong male who knew about him.
it didn’t help that he had a trust fund either.
his death is on the way to being solved after two years…
Continue reading “how to kill your trust fund boyfriend and get caught 3 years later” →
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