He Fell Off The Third Story Balcony Right Infront of Me

Homer_screamingwhat would you do,
if you witnessed someone fall off a ledge about 3 stories up?
i’d probably vomit on my shoes.
you maybe different.
well these people did while filming a television segment…

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Kanye West Is Now Living Single

livingsingleremember khadijah,
and regine of living single?
well let’s introduce kanye west to the cast…

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Miley Cyrus Welcome To Black Twitter

eafd8af60e0211e39a6e22000a1fab27_7cynthia tho?!?!?
i was in tears for a good 5 minutes at that picture.
these below get honorable meme mentions…

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Charlamagne Is A Top. He Said It. I’m Not Kidding.

lolchcharlamagne talks shit.
if you know him from wendy and tbc,
you know how he says whatever.

ya know if he was gay,
i couldn’t see him be a fox tho.
so he was right on his assumption.
lil duval however was grossed out by statement:

lowkey: it’s funny when the straights use our terminology.
ive heard plenty of straight wolves say they would only be a top “if” they were gay.

Donnie McClurkin Gets UnInvited From An Event Because He Is Straight

Donnie-McClurkin-Angry-Social-Camdonnie mcClurkin thought because he was a born again “straight”,
he could sit around.
grab his crotch,
and talk shit about “us”.
well well well donnie learned today.
he got his “born again straight” ass uninvited to perform at the mlk march.
a case of “you can’t sit with us”?…

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This Laid Me Out!

Laughing-smiley-face-4when he says “don’t come in my room”,
he means it…

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