What Is Justin Bieber Doing In The Hood?

i mean,
it’s a question.
why would justin bieber be in the hood?
…and at the swap meet,
no less?
this is the footage an f-bi sent to me…
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Justin Bieber Is Now The “9 to 5” To Selena Gomez Weeknd?

we have all been “the idiot” once or twice in our lives.
i know i’ve been.
in relationships,
it’s easy to say “what you gon’ do” before it actually happens.
good sex and emotions done trapped most of ya’ll up.
this is the dilemma of selena gomez.
it seems she is back with her ex,
justin bieber.
ย well…
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Justin Bieber Shows His Stans So Much Love That It Hurts

…and why are you still fans of him again?
it seems the bielbers are in an abusive stan-ionship.
justin bieber allegedly treats most of them like shit and they still worship him.
so this a video of some of the alleged abuse…
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Justin Bieber Will Give You A Good Beating

tumblr_nur80wgmdd1u20ulno1_500why does he have fans again?
so justin bieber is in barcelona to perform.
a male fan reached into his car as he was driving by.
this is what happened…
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Justin Bieber Has Left The Building

someone call the cops!
the f-bi!
the national guard!
justin bieber deleted his instagram.
when you go to it
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Justin Bieber Has Some More Pipe Leakage (From Hawaii, This Time)

Screen Shot 2016-08-07 at 11.22.54 AMi like his tan.
and that gigantic flamingo.

that’s it.
so justin bieber went to hawaii on vacation on wednesday.
well they got his pipe leakage for the foxhole today.
another one for our review.
you know the deal.


here we go…

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