Peek A Boo?

tumblr_n2owv5Y5Xy1sk0c87o1_500giphyi want it in my mouth.
“ratchet jamari” was steering the ship there.
okay back to being classy.
“what an organized table behind that handsome gentleman.”
heh heh.
here are a few more of ex baller wolf,
denzel wells

Continue reading “Peek A Boo?”

MEAT: (584)



Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 7.51.15 PMyes.
oh yes.
^that and vh-1’s “hit the floor” will be back next month on memorial day.
wassup with these “wait a year for my return” shows?
i gotta wait until next year for “girls”.
anyway vh-1 dropped a teaser trailer for the upcoming season 2…
Continue reading “#HitTheFloor”

His Head Made Me Hungry

Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 6.20.31 PMso mimi husband and professional “cornball”,
nick cannon,
is having a early life crisis white now.
he has a new album called,
“white people party music”.
tumblr_inline_ms8xexRBe21qz4rgpi know.
i can’t either.
well nick decided to debut his new head shortly after his white stint.
okay go…
Continue reading “His Head Made Me Hungry”

Sense, Sensibility, Stomach Aches, and Security Guards

tumblr_inline_mprmb6xNRI1qz4rgptoday was a very confusing day…
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MEAT: (583)

tumblr_n1j5be7Fpg1s3kc9mo1_1280we would gets no sleep.
bring your ball too.