Anyone With A Penis Has Become Pussyfied These Days

tumblr_n0l1anuWMh1qz8wiwo1_1280…according to ice t.
he had an interview “the guardain” where he thinks men have gone soft these days.
in every way you can imagine.
he calls out the entire male sex on being “the new bitch”.
well a new word i’ll be using:
well this is what he said via newsninja….
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These Chicks About To Fall In Love With Another Jailbird

screen-shot-2014-06-27-at-4-31-49-pmthis time,
this one is a celebrity related jailbird.
this one is elyjah marrow and he is related to ice t.
he killed his roommate.
oh no!
it was by accident tho…

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