Usher Wants To Make Sure You Have A Good Night (Cap)

ct5bjngwgaadainoh my…
i’d like usher on the edge of my bed looking like that.
i’m sure waking up after about 3 hours of sleep would be tough tho.

picture credited: twitter

Bk Brandon Realizes His Black Bawdy Matters


i like “woke bk brandon”,
but i love “ratchet and shirtless bk brandon” even better.
you know he was in a relationship when he stopped being naked on the gram.
glad he is coming back.
he posted ^that the other day and i couldn’t be happier.

i missed it.

lowkey: all jokes aside,
i really love his ig posts about black injustice.
5+ foxhole points.

picture credited: bk brandon

MEAT: (730)

tumblr_m5mrzdjkmt1ryo2xgo1_500i was feeling hungry tonight.
what i do?
go to tumblr for an “all you can eat” buffet.
so many different choices of meat to choose from.
well this meaty delight slid down my timeline and…
Continue reading “MEAT: (730)”

A Royal Elite Ass (Royal G)

screen-shot-2016-09-26-at-6-36-00-ami woke up this morning to about 10+ emails about this.
i knew i had to post about it before i left the house.
so you know i love me some royal g.
he even shouted the foxhole out on his snapchat at one point.
well royal g posted a picture that has everyone dripping wet.
this is what has everyone wiping off their chairs
Continue reading “A Royal Elite Ass (Royal G)”

I Like Pink Drawz Worn By d_fitness_life

screen-shot-2016-09-25-at-10-36-19-amwell the foxhole is always on it.
ya know,
i love my foxhole.
all i gotta do is ask a question and someone has an answer.
it may come in comments or emails,
but someone always got me.
thank you for always being the “siri” to my blogging reality.
with that being said,
a f-bi provided the lead to the meat from ( x i like pink drawz ).
everyone meet d_fitness_life and the photo shoot he had in new yawk…
Continue reading “I Like Pink Drawz Worn By d_fitness_life”

I Like Pink Drawz


...especially when they’re stuffed with meat by a sexy wolf.

lowkey: who dis?