They Hate Me! They Really Really Hate Me!

tumblr_mh9wzhKTpm1r1br1uo1_500i saw the following on tumblr and i had to post this.

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WOLF MEAT: (313)

i didn’t forget about you…

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God Sees…

tumblr_mh6owexzBA1qhmhdfo1_500i felt a little down tonight.
it’s expected.
i realize that it won’t get any easier yet.
i was scrolling down my tumblr TL and saw this entry.
i wanted to share it with everyone.
i know besides me,
someone else out there is going through it.
this message maybe needed for the foxhole…

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WOLF MEAT: (312)

tumblr_mngb9cYt7B1r3qkako2_1280adrian hart has some artistic honey buns for the wolves this morning…

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Who Is Miguel’s More Masculine Brother With Breezy Wolf?

tumblr_mnhmwjZqok1rirxvyo1_500for anyone who is interested in the latest saga.
so breezy wolf was enjoying the memorial weekend festivities with a friend.
yeah so who the friend?…

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Which One Broke All Of Riccardo Tisci’s Walls To Pieces?

you got turned out something serious, huh?
riccardo told vogue hommes last month about the hottest sex in his life

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