drake thinks ya’ll need to play catch up with his latest dance infusion

some of ya’ll are NOT happy with drake and this new album,
honestly, nevermind“.
 ya’ll want him to say honestly, nevermind and pretend this didn’t happen.
the dragging on twitter is a merciless storm.

…and it gets worse and worse.
drake decided to respond to all the criticism and…

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honestly, nevermind on not giving my thoughts on drake’s new sh*t

people are scared to experiment.
males who want to experiment with males are a perfect example of this.
they have been dating vixens for so long,
why try something that may change their world?
why introduce something new when this life already works?
or does it?

many of us are set in our ways because things are working.
even if it’s not,
we don’t want to switch it up because of many things:

Scared to Fail
Embarrassment by Those Who May Drag Us

i was hype when drake announced he was coming out with a new album.

certified lover boy was mid for many of his fans.
i woke up today and before i could wipe the crust out of my eyes,
i had the album up on spotify.

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