So If I Trade In One Butt Cheek, Can I Get Those Eggs?

empty_fridgei had no food in my fridge.
i had jam,
but no bread.
but no juice.
but no water.
you see where i’m going with this.
i decided to go to the store just now.
i picked up everything i would need.
things to cook,
breakfast food,
and snacks.
i’m at the register pulling items out my cart,
i’m already at 77 dollars.
i only had half the items out already.
i said a silent prayer.
do you know my bill was…

Continue reading “So If I Trade In One Butt Cheek, Can I Get Those Eggs?”

Foxy Lifestyle: Affirm… Dammit.

What do you want?
I mean, really, what do you want?

I know what I want, but do you know what you want?

I dream of this….

Continue reading “Foxy Lifestyle: Affirm… Dammit.”