Songzbird Smashes A Vixen Inside The Booth For All of Us To Hear

songzbird is nasty.
nasty i tell ya!

tumblr_mkhrh6xAma1rq0khwo1_500so tonight i decided to listen to his mix tape,
anticipation 2…
has anyone heard this interlude for “inside part2”?
listen closely…

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You Can Download Big Sean’s Sex Tape on

not seriously.
you CAN download his detroit mixtape there tho.
i won’t lie,
i have so many wolves i would love to see in a sex tape.
starting with him:

rabbit humping with a heavy pounding before he cums vibes from him tho.
the short ones always want to bang your head into a headboard.
big sean had some interesting shit to say to QDeezy of Hot 107.9 FM
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