Tag: dj akademiks
why would dj akademiks create the content of his own downfall?

They say money can either polish you up or strip you down to your worst.
so, if you’ve got a nasty streak or a twisted soul,
wealth and fame are just the highlighter that brings it out for the forests to see.
from the following,
looks like dj akademiks might be living proof of that.
remember when he was low-key on the complex show with joe budden and nadeska?
back then,
he seemed harmless but life has a funny way of flipping the script.
turns out,
some of those types are hiding a whole lot of chaos under that nerdy/corny exterior.
see: a bunch of twitch and kick streamers.
Who would’ve thought Akademiks would find himself tangled up in an alleged gang rape scandal?
what in the…
Continue reading “why would dj akademiks create the content of his own downfall?” →brittany renner might be on the top attentionista list these days
i’m so tired of some of ya’ll giving the worst kind of attentionistos a platform.
all they gotta do is flash a titty,
have an onlyfans,
or slash someone’s neck open,
and they become the heroes of the forests.
brittany renter,
is one of those vixens to me.
all i know of her is her past weird-ass videos and writing a book about her sex life.
i thought once she had a kid that she was changing.
she had a big interview with akademiks on his podcast,
“off the record“,
but when he had to break down what a side chick (she) was…
Continue reading “brittany renner might be on the top attentionista list these days” →
Being “Masculine” Is Still An Everyday Struggle
so as you know,
i love watching “everyday struggles” on youtube.
joe budden,
dj akademiks,
and nadeska alexis discuss hip hop and topics within the culture.
i love the witty banter and joey turning into “super saiyan” especially.
well the discussion was about tyler the creator,
his alleged coming out,
and being gay in that hip hop forest.
Continue reading “Being “Masculine” Is Still An Everyday Struggle” →
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