Delanie Walker’s Fiance Learned Yesterday (and Taught Us Something Today)

Screen Shot 2015-02-16 at 9.35.01 AMballer wolf of the tennessee titans,
delanie walker,
learned the hard way yesterday.

well he found out his fiance of 10 years,
racine lewin,
is an intentional spy.
we gonna get into that 10 years thing later.
not in the cool “action adventure” kind of way tho.
delanie learned his fiance can hack his instagram and post this…
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I Want To Buy Him A Shorts Set

BstMGhmCcAAA2DG…i don’t think this is what beyonce had in mind.
i had to ask myself if that was taffeta?
this was just one of the tragedies at the espys last night.
here is another baller wolf who also did a shorts set…
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