on this new episode of “the life of why?”, biden drops a bombshell!

THIS JUST IN: Biden ditching the “president” title and going rogue.

everyone wanted it and they got it because just like that,
our mid-summer season finale ended on this plot twist

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addressing the drama…

omg that is how the Youtubers title their videos.

i’ve learned in life,
especially as a blogger,
that people will admire you UNTIL you say or font something they don’t agree with.

it’s a thing called “life“.
as gay males,
we know what its like to live our lives one way and be ostracized after coming out.
it happens to the best and the worst of us.
i wrote something yesterday that caused quite the stir.

i didn’t think anything of it when i wrote it because i’m usually poppin off at the fingers.
it was taken out of context so let’s address it but first…

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more people keep telling me that trump is winning over biden

my straight friend said to me the other day:

“I hope people realize that Trump is going to be president.
I really hope they aren’t thinking otherwise.”

as much as i wanted to throw my shoe at his head,
he isn’t the first person to say this to me.
gay and straight.
IRL or on the Foxhole.
everyone is starting to pick sides the faster we approach voting season.
i mean,
let’s be real

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