she wants us to see the rona isn’t a big deal by using her tongue on you (jodie meschuk)

there are a lot of crazy jackals running around out here.
i’m convinced laws are passed by folks whose elevators don’t fully reach the top.
i don’t know if the following is crazy but…
jodie meschuk

a “kinda-sorta maybe not” thoughtful anti-jabber,
wants to sway america into believing the rona isn’t a big a deal.
how is she gonna do that?
she decided to film herself licking things in the supermarket…

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I Lost My Edges For Autism

tumblr_nvtigucK4I1qeo7tho1_1280i saw ^this on my tumblr timeline earlier.
wtf does cornrows have to do with autism?
that post inspired me to ask the following question
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