will he be making OF content in jail as others before him?

a little file slid onto my desk from an F-BI:

“Locked up in Miami,
ready to be shipped to Atlanta for aggravated assault charges.”

for all of us in the Foxhole who are familiar with this attentionisto-but- jackal in disguise,
this comes is no surprise

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plaqueboymax is tired of ya’ll wanting to pulverize dem meaty bunz

Besides Aaron Taylor Johnson,
a straight having a fat tail often means lacking big meat.
We have seen this time and time again on OF.
I don’t make the rules.

back in the 90s,
jean claude van damme and christopher meloni were know for their fat tails.

they knew they had a gay audience and kept them well fed.
you can’t let the attentionistos of today know they got big butts.
they start to do everything to show it off in various ways on their socials,
but once the gays start trying to get into their boxes,
they suddenly want to cry wolf.
twitch streamer,
has gotten too much attention for his butt cheeks has overwhelmed him…

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attentionisto amnesia

Have you ever noticed how attentionistos try to rewrite their past when the present starts looking brighter?

i got an email from the PR rep of an ex-“kinda, sorta, maybe”-still current attentionisto.
you read that right.


Sidebar: the PR person was cool.
They are just doing their job so no shade or beef there

they wanted me to take down a few old posts about their client.
as i scrolled through the entries,
confused as to what was so scandalous,
i couldn’t help but think to myself…

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that big tail was only for this attentionisto’s pleasure?

There is one issue I find with having a big tail.

let’s start with the positives first.

All the wolves in a 4 block radius want you
It’s easy to pull the DL males out the closet.

some males will do anything to get inside big cheeks,
or not.
the problem i’ve found is:

They only care about their pleasure from your big tail than your own.

I often wonder if they can tell you’re bored?
i find this with most attentionistos-turned-sex workers on OF.
a F-BI sent me the following and i said to myself…

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i’m kinda obsessed with his prison sex documentary footage tbh

the big house

whatever you want to call it,
everyone has ideas,
and nightmares
about what its like in there.

“What actually happens when you drop the soap?”
“Do straight males have sex with other males?”
“Do you get to pick your prison husband or does he pick you?”

i was on reddit and saw a thread that answered most questions.

i found his answers to be very interesting.
it seems like jail is different for many people.
the following attentionisto has been showing us what jail life is like for him.
when i font you that

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are you willing to get down on your knees and bark like a dog for it?

I had to wonder:
Is it hard to gain back self respect once we lose it?

I was having a discussion with a Foxholer about a “straight” attentionsisto he knows.
You might know him.
He is straight publicly but actually gay for pay privately.

So 98% of them?
The issue isn’t the gay for pay but how desperate he is for money.
Once he sucked the peen of someone with big money,
he was tested to see how far he was willing to do.
He has been slutted out,
got a deposit in every hole,
those butt cheeks got pounded into oblivion,
and pretty much will allowed himself to be known as “a good little slut”.
He is now being passed around to other with big money and that never ends well.

remember that scene in “coming to america” when he made her bark like a dog?

i would have cursed him TF out and left.
she barked.
there are people in the forests who will bark.
those who bark end up being like the attentionisto in the above story.
losing respect is the kiss of death.
if someone knows you will do anything for success/companionship/friendship,
they’ll exploit you in every which way.
there is no challenge with those who’ll bark.
there is nothing to fight for or be excited about.
my thing is…

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