Foxy Lifestyle: The Others

I always see people moving in large numbers.
They can’t seem to go out without a crew of lackeys surrounding them.
I’m a solo act myself.
I learned a while ago the joys of being a lone Fox on the prowl.
This entry is for my Foxes and Wolves who move dolo style.

It isn’t as bad as you think.

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Jamari’s Single Bottom Work Out Plan!

So you are single….

Guess what? Me too! Isn’t it fun?

Well, not really, especially on those lonely rainy nights when you want to be cuddled up with someone (preferably built like a quarter back for the Redskins). That is when being single can be a real drag. But, being single should not be that much of a downer.

It can actually be fun.

No. I am not drunk, high, or in the middle of a nervous breakdown.

Nope. I am in the middle of my single Jamari’s journey and working on the man you have come to love named: Jamari Fox. So that when Daddy comes, I am a fucking super hero to his ass.

I Cook. I Clean. AND I having a nice tite ass. Up, Up, and Away!

Ok corny…lol

I have put together a list of things we can all work on.

I’ll share some tips with my fellow bottoms so that we can get em AND keep em.

Continue reading “Jamari’s Single Bottom Work Out Plan!”