diddy got 120 alleged problems and his freedom ain’t one

Ever worked at a job where the boss was practically satan in a suit?

maybe it was your boss,
your fav’s boss,
or you just watched the chaos from the sidelines.
this jackal had a known rep for tormenting everyone.
even the strongest people cracked under their pressure.
no one dared to complain though due to fear of losing their job,
getting blacklisted,
or that old “you gotta play the game” mentality kept everyone quiet.
people either suffered through the abuse or didn’t last long and left.

It wasn’t until one brave soul finally spoke up that the floodgates opened.

everyone had a story and just like that,
the so-called jackal was shown the door with a hefty severance to go away quietly.
don’t you love when hr protects these demons?
as we saw,
cassie started talking and guess what?

Diddy’s untouchable reputation was officially wounded and 120 more alleged victims have come forward to tell their side….

when i font,
yikes on a bike” with these allegations…

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