the scary truth about dealing with a nfl players?

Remember when I had the BIGGEST crush on ex-baller wolf,
Devin Thomas?

those who have been with in The Foxhole since the beginning know.
i thought that baller wolf was the most “handsomest” i done ever seen.
shadow work made me realize why i was so attracted to him.
next entry?

don’t even get me started on his bawdy.

don’t even get me started on ( x when his pipe leakage dropped! )
sadly tho,
that was when he was out of the nfl because it revealed he had severe mental illnesses.
i feel like something happened that bts that activated it.
i don’t think i realized what really comes with dealing with a baller wolf.
their bawdies can be used for pleasure but there is more to them.
this alleged girlfriend of a 49ers baller wolf revealed the truth…

Continue reading “the scary truth about dealing with a nfl players?”

the “God they’re insufferable” tour of mo’nique and daddy continues

Mo’Nique is ruining her legacy with me.

is anyone going to call mo’nique out?
someone that she doesn’t have beef with?
i feel like her and that jackal she is married to are out of control.
i wish she didn’t do club shay shay.
i’ll be 100 with you that i didn’t even watch it.
i’m kind of over her.
i don’t get their end game here with leaking her son’s past texts to the public

Continue reading “the “God they’re insufferable” tour of mo’nique and daddy continues”

it seems he really likes that “gay ssh!”

behind every male who screams “i don’t like that gay shit“…

Is someone who secretly whispers that they likes that gay shit.

either for pleasure or for a check,
the gay shit is to be had.
a Foxholer dropped someone who claimed they ain’t like that gay shit in the past.
that was then and this is…

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mo’nique’s oldest sweet baby puts a dent in her self righteousness

two things can be true at the same time.
even three things can be true.

Mo’Nique can be the hero and the villain.

she could speak her own hurt but be responsible for the hurt of others too.
her oldest son being the person she has hurt.
hurt people hurt people?
he laid her shit bare when he exposed her for being an alleged terrible mother

Continue reading “mo’nique’s oldest sweet baby puts a dent in her self righteousness”

chemistry is not hard to understand


you ever met someone and you felt drawn to them?
it was an unexplainable force between you both.
at first,
you genuinely thought that they didn’t like you tbh.
there is a “weird” standoffish energy in the beginning.
you would catch them looking at you tho.
that is the where ya’ll’s story starts.

They can’t keep their eyes off you.
You can’t keep your eyes off them

you both look at each other like you’re in a trance.
that is the unspoken language.
once the ice melts and you both start feeling comfortable,
you start touching each other in subtle (or not so subtle) ways.

They can’t keep their hands off you.
You can’t keep your hands off them.

you cannot deny chemistry.
this is why most males who are struggling with their sexuality are scared of you.
they know you will have their noses wide open.
so when i saw this video of nfl baller wolf,
travis kelce,
and his ex,
kayla nicole

Continue reading “chemistry is not hard to understand”

so i did something stupid…

Even Benji is judging me…

i did something stupid and i had no choice but to take a heavy L.
the other night,
cousin hybrid asked me for my paypal so his mother could send me money.
it was around 350.
half sleep,
i wrote my email to him.
days go by and i see no money.
so i hit him up and asked what happened.

Continue reading “so i did something stupid…”