the mask flew off in one knockout

The first summer that everyone isn’t wearing masks anymore but their real masks are flying TF off.

wake up,
another attentionisto heading to cell block d just dropped.
this drop had my box on fire over the weekend.
porn attentionisto,
leclair marquis aka knockout,
might be another who will be spending time on cell block “d” in florida.
i’m not fonting about a scene for onlyfans.
i’m fonting about this

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eric dodds and johntae collier wear the absence of memory well

as we are all enjoying our freedom of summer 23,
or just appreciating being able to be outside in general,
two attentionistos are preparing for their long journeys ahead as jailbirds.
the days of kissy faces and twitter updates are gone.

It’s now getting comfy and cozy within the confines of prison

 new photos of eric dodds and johntae collier,
formerly of eandjgang,
has popped up.
this is their new normal

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some black folks get very angry when they aren’t invited within white spaces

some black folks can’t function without being invited to white spaces.
we have our own spaces but when we see white folks doing them,
enjoying their spaces and there are no black people on site,
it’s all of this outrage on social media.
kristen bell had dinner for her closest celebrity friends.
some black folks were mad af at the picture posted

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everyone said f*ck spill and is heading over to threads now?

i’m confused we the black community.
we scream we don’t have places for us.
a social media app called spill,
which is promoting black users exclusively,
comes out and it’s hot for a second but…

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this dating thing is a war zone and the battle isn’t who tops or bottoms

finding a partner feels like going to war these days.
i admire those who found one with no issues.
keeping them after you get them is a whole other issue.
having pretty muscles or a rotund tail means nada nowadays.
the “you need to be willing to top and bottom” means nothing either.
that is what we sell to people in hopes of being chosen.
it’s like a job interview and how we lie to get the job.

You gotta be fully prepared to do battle.

trying to find someone to love can be so demoralizing

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how to bury a miscommunication

when i sat and thought about it yesterday,
 many of my failed relationships ended due to miscommunication.
i have met some idiots who had to go because they weren’t good for me.
my sister for instance.
i have tried to communicate with her many times about our issues.
after the 10th issue with her doing the same shit,
i realized there is no fixing our relationship so i had to peace out.

How many of our family members or close friends have we stopped speaking to because something happened and no one decided to talk?

we lie and create excuses to justify not speaking to them.
the truth is it could have been resolved if both parties had a conversation.
so you know i had my psychotic meltdown the other day?
i haven’t been speaking to my family for the last 2 months and…

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