so they just killed o’shea sibley because he was having a good time?

he looks so familiar.
i woke up out of my sleep this morning and saw this story.

they say not all heroes wear capes.
i admire those who will step up to defend their friends.
that shows a lot of character to me.
o’shea sibley allegedly did that in brooklyn and was killed for it.
his death is being ruled a hate crime

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he killed you and got off easy because of “gay panic”

Did you know that if you are gay/trans and are killed by a straight male,
he may get off from seeing any jail time because of something called the “gay panic defense”?

bet some of you didn’t know this as i didn’t.
i learned about it while watching the last episode of “last call: when a serial killer stalked queer new york” on max.
during the hyena’s first murder in college,
where he killed a gay male and dumped him in the ocean,
they used that defense that allowed him his freedom.
if they would have hauled his ass to prison in 1973,
he wouldn’t have gone on years later to brutally murder other gays.
big yikes,
let’s look deeper at the law via wiki…

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rest in peace to angus cloud

you know what’s wild?
i was gonna write an entry about him a few weeks ago.
his ex-manager outed him about ( x his alleged drug use ).
i never got around to it and the twitter thread got deleted.
it seemed like things were good but this news today really broke me

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so i attended a renaissance the other night and well…

they can come at any time when we least expect them.
i think that is the beauty of life that we don’t realize.
God can throw us a bone or a whole carcass.
remember ( x this entry ) that i wrote?
after i wrote it,
i had felt a release and acceptance after.
when i let go of something (or someone) and move on,
magic always happens.
i got an email a week later from one of my foxholers asking…

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chauncey palmer has offended the gays because he said he isn’t attracted to men

lemme ask ya’ll something:

When you go to a restaurant and have a great meal,
do you go find the cook to become besties so you can get free food?

When you go to a concert,
do you go backstage to become friends with the artist after?

probably not because they provided a service.
chauncey palmer,
who is up above,
provides a service but i think some gays forgot.

he was honest about his feelings towards him partaking in gay sex.
this is what he said in a q@a

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don’t break our deal in the future because you want kids and i don’t

you click with someone,
the sex is amazing but after some time together,
they want kids/marriage but you don’t.
you told them before the relationship so it isn’t a surprise.
a breakup is on the horizon because 1/2 didn’t understand english.
^the couple above are divorcing because of that dealbreaker.
for gays,
it could be open relationships or roles changing.
it all made me wonder…

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