the gays are the reason the kids are all turning gay!!!!

Do you ever wonder what goes through someone’s head when they spew pure hatred in public?

where is the home training?

they strut out in public,
going HAM about communities they don’t hate,
without a care in the forest or other people’s feelings.
they acting like burner accounts brought to life.
a Foxholer sent me a story about a gay male,
encountering hate at the gym.
some jackal barged into the sauna,
spewing his venomous thoughts about gay men and…

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you think trump took anything amber rose said on that stage seriously?

Amber Rose.
poor Amber Rose.

going hard for trump and then showing up at the rnc?

amber always seemed like a vixen who lost her way.
her looks and bawdy moves got her far but…

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i’d like to speak to the manager about this weird timeline we’re in

This picture is going to be on the latest in Trump merch on

what a weekend.
the headlines were buzzing with many celebrity deaths,
but the biggest story?

Our ever-no-subtle Trump.

that attention jackal made sure to dominate the weekend with his close call.
assassination attempt.

what’s wild is he didn’t turn his head

He could have been history and made it all in the same last breath.

it makes you wonder if that was one of those life moments where,
if it had gone left instead of right

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he was feeling up that arm and i don’t blame that white man

it’s no secret that many white males love a big,
(in their) tail.

i mean,
we all do especially after a long and hard day.
this white wolf we all know looks like arms and biceps are his weakness.
what a coinky dink!
mine too!

i think he might have forgotten all lens are on him tho…

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tiNa is becoming the new it girl in the black gay community?

I’m giving the same look as well.

back in the 80s and 90s,
coke was the party drug of choice.

in this decade,
it’s still the go-to for the elite but has been slowly making its way into the hood.
fonting of the hood,
once crack was introduced,
it was over.

growing up,
meth was the ultimate nightmare drug.
those meth ads scared my gay ass straight,
showing how it could slowly turn you into a gargoyle.

…but recently,
it seems like meth is becoming more and more accepted.

“AnYoNe GoT anY TiNA (meth’s alt acct name) to PnP?”

i came across a tweet that hit me in the gut,
and many Foxholers echoed the sentiment with their own stories and confirmations….

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when you gotta fight your DL manz and his womanz too

If you’re going to play around with the DL,
you have to remember the golden rules in order to play the game successfully.

when he adds you,
doesn’t follow back,
but ya’ll end up connecting on the low,
never use your real account to speak to him on.
if he’s truly interested,
take it off whatever social media you met on.

you can find an app where you both can chat privately.
i like whatsapp.

if you insist on fonting on IG for instance,
use a burner with disappearing messages.

Sidebar: the next ios update with locked and hidden apps?
The DL game is about to change big time.

it’s all about keeping things clean and your identity safe.
he’s keeping you in the closet; you’re keeping him in the closet.
so there were a lot of mistakes in this DL facebook drama i was sent.
that damn facebook.
i feel like lessons were learned for our dear,
ahmaud walker

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