i’d love to be up under somebody’s grandpa

If your grandpa looked like this,
I’d have no choice but to ride him.

i’m sorry,
that is a little bold of me so let me rephrase.

If your grandpa looked like this,
I’d have no choice but ask him about the good old days,
while rubbing him down with Bengay.

i’ve had that picture in my phone since ’22.
a Foxholer has always mentioned him since then too.
i been meaning to font about him but life has been lifeing.
aint no time like the present so everyone meet brandon miyavia

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so i watched the halftime show with kendrick lamar and oof…

^this shot goes so hard.
the bending as the flag symbolizing how the US was built off the backs of blacks.
you KNOW that pissed them off but…

Isn’t it funny how some people only see the frosting but never question what’s in the cake?

last night,
while most were just hyped for “not like us” at the halftime show,
i couldn’t help but see the layers kendrick was serving.
first off,
let’s give drake a standing ovation…

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this part of another male’s bawdy makes me completely feral

There is a certain part on a male that drives me bat shit crazy.

when i’m watching at as scene on the performing arts of penetrative strokes

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can someone explain to me what is happening with cade maddox atm?

Cade Maddox is one of the few white wolves in adult entertainment that gets me off on sight.

nick bayne is coming up next on the list.
as you know,
i love a thick bawdy with big legs and a round tail.
cade maddox is going through an interesting phase in his career.
the following tho with him at the 2025 gayvn awards

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he took the cake along with having a big cake too

I was just saying we are missing some real sex wolves rn.

we have a ton of good looking wolves who work out,
but we don’t have many that are comfortable in their own fur.

you know the ones i’m fonting about.
i’ve been fonting that we don’t have much good meat in the OF scene.

When they are sexy AF and get on OF,
they ruin the fantasy showing just how bad their stroke resume is.

i think i found one that didn’t disappoint

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one of the sexiest males, the videos, and the validation that cost too much?

picture one of your fantasies on social media.
any male,
whether he is gay or straight.

How far would you go to see a male you have fantasized about having sex?

that was me last week and i got disappointed…

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