the father of mine who will soon not remember me anymore

Have you ever felt guilty for not feeling more?

i remember the first time i went out with my father and actually enjoyed it.
i was like 8 and he took me to the zoo

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so i sent an email to WW

I did something that I don’t know if it was stupid.

i think it was because of all this fonting about work wolf these last few weeks.
i was looking for an email and came across and old email of his

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i am the F word who lives in the next block

i was on the phone with cousin hybrid for over two hours,
catching up on everything:

Life updates
The ins and outs of males who lurk on Rih’s social media

but somewhere towards the end,
we stumbled onto an unexpected “a-ha” moment about our childhood…

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you’re single and hating life on valentine’s day, huh?

What we’re not gon’ do today is feel depressed.
What we’re not gon’ do today is feel worthless.
What we’re not gon’ do today is feel left out.

because let’s be real,
today is just the day for people to flex off their relationships.
the posts are rolling in:

I ain’t lonely today,

but realistically

Continue reading “you’re single and hating life on valentine’s day, huh?”

“sorry i haven’t been a friend to you. i’ve been getting f*cked stupid.”

Have you ever noticed how some people treat friendships like a waiting room until their relationship is ready?

growing up,
i went through hell with jackals so i mastered the art of the swerve early.

to this day,
people are still salty i dropped them like a bad habit.

it was never about me being a bad friend or two faced.
it was about them and their fucked up behavior.
too-da-loo bitch.
you know what really grinds my gears tho?…

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he might be doing him/her/they/them but he’s thinking about me

^A discussion I was having with a Foxholer earlier about an Attentionisto.
One who allegedly deals with other males if he has a connection with them.
This Foxholer knows said Attentionisto.
The “her” is really a “he”.

looking back,
i realize that every time i got caught up with certain wolves:

Work Wolf
Light Bright

i had this insecure fear about sex.
not sex itself

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