heat718 finally brings the heat

strippers can be a hit or miss.
i knew a latina vixen who was messing with a stripping wolf.
she told me that he was ah-mah-zing in bed.
he was also knocking her upside her head too.
she was so jealous that she would go to all of his shows too.
God forbid another vixen got too handsy with him…

on another side of attentionisto town,
i appreciate that heat718 is still in business.

he was doing his thing as a stripper for many years.
even though he has retired,
the good news is he can still make good money on OF.
i’ve always wanted to see what that stroke resume looked like.

Does it match the way he danced?
Is it better?

Does he know how to throw that big tail?
Or is he stiff as a board?

a Foxholer sent a drop that finally answered my questions...

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