Tag: video g
so i wasn’t gonna address this video game conversation but here i am

The Foxhole has been wanting me to address this.
I’ve been very “eye roll” about it but ya know what?
Fuck it; we ball.
i’ve been playing video games ever since i was a kid.
i’ve noticed it taught me a lot of skills that i’ve applied in my real life.
Solving puzzles
“There is a secret in here somewhere”
Defeating final bosses flawlessly
my virgo moon goes a little too OD tho.
as an adult,
when i want to step away from the real world and go to hyrule,
the mushroom kingdom,
doing gens to escape in dead by daylight,
or dodge tom nook for them bells i owe him,
i’ll take a break with one of my video game systems.
funky dineva doesn’t think that grown males should be play video games.
he nor his friends play video games at their big ages:
—The Milky Way Hoodrat
(@JustinUrameshi1) April 26, 2024
funky dineva also made a career as a grown man gossiping.
his life choices can be called into question too.
so i’ll font my quick thoughts about it…
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