the rona is over so take your mask off, go outside, and wave the american flag

we should be really scared of our government.
i’m being serious.
the trump administration is so lax about the rona is absolutely baffling.
they are urging schools and other things to open up,
yet folks are still catching this virus in rapid numbers.
folks are dying and our president is literally walking through a garden of roses.
he is literally trying not to breathe in that shit is stinkin’.
it’s really ridiculous and downright terrifying.
so trump’s administration is stopping all reporting from the cdc about the rona via “ny times“…
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transgenders might be no more pretty soon

scary alleged news for transgenders?
does “make america great again” really means “to be hateful af”?
which is why i feel sorry for the blacks and gays who are “pro trump”.
they really don’t know what fire they’re really stepping into.
i always equate it to those folks on the roof in “independence day”:

so the trump administration is allegedly planning on obliterating transgenders.
that means the word “transgender” won’t exist anymore if they pass this bill.
it will all go by your sex at birth.
this is the story from “the new york times”
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