It Came and I Did It.

tumblr_m6r1f04cMZ1qkynm4so i did it.
i knew it wasn’t going to take a long time.
actually it happened faster than i expected.
i guess you can say i’m proud of myself…
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If You Don’t Look Like Jeremy Meeks (You Ugly)

tumblr_n7o99fXRG81ryvh4no1_1280so colored contacts sales will be up?
well i guess this is positive news.

i think.
so it looks like some idiot kind person is about to pay jeremy meeks.
no not some old jackal for sexual favors silly.
jeremy may get an alleged check for looking like a “hot gangsta”
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John Wall Can Break Me Off Some of That Fort Knox Pipe… and What?


john wall is fuckin’ paid.
the washington wizards just extended his contract and well…

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Rachel Jeantel, Trayvon Martin’s Friend, Gets A Full Ride

130628_CRIME_RachelJeantel.jpg.CROP.rectangle3-largetrayvon is looking out for his friend.
while everyone was clowning her on social media,
rachel jeantel was being set up for her future by tom joyner.
one that included a full college ride.
madame noire reports…

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Look At This Email I Got Today (Uhhh… Yuck?)

tumblr_mia8kbq03X1r1frbho1_400aint this some bullllllllshit

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Rihanna Fashion Show LIVE

who knew rihanna was a fashion designer?

she is putting her feet in everything.
are we mad?
well she had her very first fashion show for river island today…

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