Tag: new you
own the room or burn it down (the rules don’t apply)

Breaking news: The forests seem to be waking up to a whole new era.
it’s as if everyone’s mindsets started shifting at the same time last week.
the rules?…
“He Probably May Not Call Me Back.”
that entry title is my attitude for 2014.
now i know you’re thinking:
“um negative much?”
…but im taking a more realistic standpoint.
you should as well…
Continue reading ““He Probably May Not Call Me Back.”” →
Same Shit; Different Dick
Dating can have it’s ups and downs.
To be honest, it can be a repetitive game of “Haven’t I done this dick before?”
It can be inspiring or un-interesting, depending on who you ask.
For some, we have it lucky meeting men.
While others, it is another night home alone with a tv dinner and a rerun of “Soul Plane” on BET.
But there are those in the middle who are in relationships and have settled down…
… but at what cost?
This could be an episode of “Your Dating Life: The Clone Wars”.
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