zaya wade is demonic and will turn all the straights into trans (j-boog is calling it)

look at ^that face.
i love a handsome face on a wolf tbh.
i wasn’t into b2k as a kid,
but i did like their singles.
i wasn’t really a “boy band” person tbh.
out of all b2k,
i’ll say i thought j-boog was the most attractive.
he grew to into a fine wolf:

…but like most of the fine wolves on social media,
he has a “let me share my fucked up views and thoughts” problem.
zaya wade,
dwyane and gabby wade’s trans daughter,
had an interview with michelle obama that has mosy of the straights in a tizzy.


this is what j-boog had to say about it on ig under “hollywood unlocked“…
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