when you get worn out and can’t leave the bed for hours.

i spent the last few days on my back.
worn out wasn’t the word.
i ended up sleeping a majority of the days.
you know how i said i had all these plans a few entries down?

Play: Zelda
Clean: My crib
Watch: “Queen’s Gambit”


Continue reading “when you get worn out and can’t leave the bed for hours.”

The Biggest Problem

tumblr_npmqshVf8Y1tkf8wdo1_1280there comes a time when everyone goes through a “worn out” period.
a lot of shit starts happening that can bring your energy down.
you start feeling like you don’t have the will to do anything.
some sex could release it.
maybe even a vacation or drugs.
those are all temporary fixes to a much bigger problem.
the problem being you.
so before i start,
i want to apologize to you…
Continue reading “The Biggest Problem”