the other half of #eandjgang knows you want more content

Even in prison,
serving a life sentence,
you can still have an OF career.

prison isn’t a life sentence as it once was.
you can still sneak a phone in there and live as normal.
you can make big money while being in prison too.
( x like this one )
( x you can even have an active sex life )

so i already updated about ( x 1/2 of the eandjgang ).
here is what the other is alleged doing now…

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johntae collier, from the #eandjgang, is bouncing back nicely in prison

prison ain’t gonna stop no one from making OF videos it seems.
money needs to be put on books.
personals needs to be bought from the commissary.
atl tayh has gotten his second wind from his OF.
( x he has been turning them out left and right )
even though johntae collier,
formerly of now disbanded #eandjgang

is doing a bid for life

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even in prison, money will be made?

we live in very different times.
we live in a “attentionistos gon’ attentionistos” regardless of the situation.
back in the day,
when a hyena got locked up and depending on the charges,
we would probably never see them again.

not on Elon Musk’s social media.

we are going to see them…

Continue reading “even in prison, money will be made?”

eric dodds and johntae collier wear the absence of memory well

as we are all enjoying our freedom of summer 23,
or just appreciating being able to be outside in general,
two attentionistos are preparing for their long journeys ahead as jailbirds.
the days of kissy faces and twitter updates are gone.

It’s now getting comfy and cozy within the confines of prison

 new photos of eric dodds and johntae collier,
formerly of eandjgang,
has popped up.
this is their new normal

Continue reading “eric dodds and johntae collier wear the absence of memory well”

the eandjgang are about to be available via “write a prisoner”

the good news is that justice is served.
the bad news?

We are probably never gonna see these hyenas ever again in this lifetime.
Maybe we’ll see them when the forests turn AI.

eric dodds
and johntae collier,
are gonna spend quite a few years in jail…

Continue reading “the eandjgang are about to be available via “write a prisoner””

the killer onlyfans couple will be hoping for new love after lockup

before posting this story,
i wanted to get receipts first.
the foxhole was sending me things but no source.
when i went to investigate online,
i saw NOTHING.
it was hidden like the psychotic in these two hyenas.
( x catch up here )
eric dodds and johntae kavon collier,
the killing hyena tiktok/onlyfans couplen known as “eandjgang“,
will be enjoying their new diggs on cellblock d.
the verdict is in and…

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