A Demon Was Trying To Get Eve Out Here

i love me some eve.
i have supported her career since the start.
watched the tv show and bought the music.

sidebar: i remember i met up with some wolf,
 years ago in the summer,
at downtown; les.
we were at a bar he managed,
just talking,
and this pretty vixen walks past with a friend.
he goes “yo you peep eve?”.
when i look,
she was standing waiting to cross the street.
i saw her briefly,
but she is so pretty in person.
i wanted to go up to her,
but i like to give celebs space and not be “that person”.

eve shared a story on her show,
“the talk”,
about how she was drugged at an industry party.
this is what she had to say
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The Island of the Bi-Sexuals

Industry parties bring out the most interesting people and things.

It can be a struggle,
but I see why people fight to be in the “industry”.
It can bring a ton of pleasure getting behind those VIP doors.
It can also be a struggle to get there and an even bigger struggle once you get inside.
You have to make sure that you talk to the right people who drop the right key sentences:

“I work at a record label…”
“Oh, I am a assistant for…”
“The company I work for just signed….”

Networking is a big deal because you never know who can help you get to a higher position.
You can go from lowly intern to administrative assistant in the drop of a business card or an exchanging of a phone number.
But for me who is painfully shy around the right people….


Continue reading “The Island of the Bi-Sexuals”