Trump Books A Willing Negro Child To Tap Dance For Him?

so it’s happening in a few days.
matter a fact.
donald trump will be sworn in as our new president.
that means you or i can try out for the gig.
clearly the standards have lowered.
well the talk has been about who will headline the festivities.
ya’ll damn near scared jennifer holiday back into irrelevancy.
sadly another negro vixen child has allegedly taken the gig.
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Are You Excited About The Inauguration?!

…says 90% of us.
well don’t fret my foxhole,
there will be some great music booked for the inauguration.
you can mask your sobs under the tunes.
this is the alleged list of who is performing…
Continue reading “Are You Excited About The Inauguration?!”

2 Termz.


such a powerful statement.
i love my president.