WOLF MEAT: (318)

perfect-pancakes_largebreakfast menu:
pancakes or pound cakes?

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I’d Take That D

drake-gqdrake is what you would call:
a hubby.
he has separated himself from the wannabes and the bad boys.
he knows his lane and doesn’t try to be anything else.
plus he always seems to come off so freakin’ charming.
i was rather impressed with his articulate interview with gq for july.
i got some quotes from the article…

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You Slap My Ass Again And I’ll Put Your Ass In Handcuffs

tumblr_moiv0lqPDb1s6kexlo1_500its been 30 days already?
well no,
not really.
our fav ocho was released early from jail for whatever reason.
the judge had a change of heart?
did she like the check she was sent?
who knows.
tons of video below….

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f-bi: Who Is This Wolf At ESPN?

who is this?…

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WOLF MEAT: f0xmail edition (317)

75324f6cdd19cc3e811e2b9da22000a1faf53_7that is just one of the foxmails from my wolf assologist.
he always sends me fresh cakes for display.
below is one from a graduation he recently attended…

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Move It, Lose It, Or Just Fuckin’ Die.

tumblr_m6ufu5AzQ61qks25go1_1280 i went over to mr. big wolf’s apartment friday.
star fox’s ex.
he picked me up and got some food.
i needed someone to talk too.
i didn’t clean myself out because no sex would be happening.
well i hoped not anyway….

Continue reading “Move It, Lose It, Or Just Fuckin’ Die.”