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the photographer didn’t get obj best angle

now you know i luh obj and all,
and i think he takes great pictures,
but the following shot wasn’t a flattering image.
odell has a nice cake:

but who approved this?…
Continue reading “the photographer didn’t get obj best angle”

Everything Is Love

so as you know,
or didn’t,
bey and jay released an album today.
“everything is love”.
i found out as soon as i walked in the door earlier.
the pretty vixen mentioned it during a conversation we were having.
as soon as i got myself on twitter,
i saw a few folks tweeting about it.
personally speaking…

Continue reading “Everything Is Love”

It Wasnt A Bangerz Like It Shoulda Been

mileycyrusbangerzalbumcoveri’ve had this miley cyrus album sitting on my computer since i first got it.
i finally decided to give it a listen today while working on some stuff.
the ( x  first song ) started out good,
then it went right,
then left,
a couple more lefts,
and ended flat.
i did find myself nodding my head to ( x on my own ),
( x my darlin ),
and ( x rooting for my baby ).
all in all,
there weren’t a lot of “bangerz” to really speak of.
it sounded more like hip hop banged a rodeo.
just a ton of opportunist rappers,
britney spears random ass,
and a flood of country like mid tempos.
i give it a heavy “eh”.