dante the body claps because he believes MLK died for him to do it

dante the body is absolutely right…

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does lamonte stennis have buyer’s remorse with dante the body’s mouth?

what a disgusting thing to font.
i’m so glad some of ya’ll dragged him back to reality.
so ^this was his excuse about his rendezvous with dante the body.
they always have excuses,
don’t they?

he claims dante didn’t have permission to do do what he did.
ya’ll remember what he did?

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dante the body is about to be married and not to who you suspect

some of us are blessed with “something” that makes people talk.
others have to do the most to keep us talking.
dante johnson aka dante the body falls into one of those spaces.
people need to realize that bisexuals date/have sex vixens too.
we live in a world where people can like/love both.

that male you see dating vixens can also like the menz too.
That doesn’t mean he is DL.

that means that he is a bisexual!


dante is an alleged bisexual and is about to be off the market

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