tumblr_mpd67uvrtA1qj171uo1_400hate is such a strong word.
i’ll use loathe.
police have been fuckin’ with people (minorities) for years.
in ny they have a law where they can search you at any given moment.
even if you are innocent and minding your own business.
the following video is heartbreaking.
these pigs shot this wolf’s dog because he was trying to protect his owner.
you know they do that sort of thing.
the owner should have been minding his business,
but did they really have to shoot this animal?…

Continue reading “I HATE PIGS!”

The Story of The Baller Wolf Who Kicks More Than A Ball

Cry it all out Vixen…
Just cry it all out….

Just hopefully on something you will receive a check

Continue reading “The Story of The Baller Wolf Who Kicks More Than A Ball”