i just wanted to do hoodrat shit with my friends (103)

they really felt they were part of some revolution during that terrorist attack at the capitol building last week.
it was extremely “trailer” and not a good look for all involved.
a foxholer sent me the following video with this title in the email:

“He’s makin’ us potheads look reaaally pathetic… smdh”

the foxholer said that because

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imagine if blm stormed the capitol building today?

i was having a morning and decided to take a nap because i needed to step away from everything.
so i put my phone on dnd and was outta here.
when i woke up,
i had a million messages asking if i seeing wtf was going on in the forests.
so i wake up,
cold in my eye and shit,
and as soon as i turn on the cnn and saw this mess at the capitol building

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