Bk Brandon Does “Body” Good

Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 12.01.25 AM^look at gawd!
what won’t he do?!
160x160x120-person-raising-both-hands-in-celebration.png.pagespeed.ic.JhDpHQEZ6yso i would appreciate…

if gawd…
can bring a wolf…
…thats like the fav bk brandon in my life.
you know what i mean.
with some sittin’ man bewbz
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Bk Brandon Has Good Face

Screen Shot 2014-10-19 at 9.25.27 AMi’ve liked talkin’ about bk brandon throughout the years.
he looks like a heavy mix of “exxotical” meets “arab”.
…or am i the only one?
although he looks fuckin’ mean as hell,
he also gives good “body” as well…
Continue reading “Bk Brandon Has Good Face”


you know he is one of my favorites:

Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 9.50.48 PMwell bk brandon posted a picture of his transition into “sexy af”

Continue reading “MEAT: LEFTOVERS (303)”