God Sees…

tumblr_mh6owexzBA1qhmhdfo1_500i felt a little down tonight.
it’s expected.
i realize that it won’t get any easier yet.
i was scrolling down my tumblr TL and saw this entry.
i wanted to share it with everyone.
i know besides me,
someone else out there is going through it.
this message maybe needed for the foxhole…

Continue reading “God Sees…”

Ya’ll Seriously Do Not Deserve Me So I’m Done!

do you know when something is over?
are you capable of letting go?
or, are you a glutton for punishment?
do you like the abuse?
is your self worth so low that you will take whatever without realizing you deserve something better?

sometimes we want to return to something in the past.
something that feels comfortable.
maybe even try again because it looked like it has changed.
you thought it was a act of god disguised as a blessing.
… but secretly, it was a nicely wrapped lesson.
i learned my lesson

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