they gave jeffrey goldberg the signal to drop the thor hammer on em

Imagine being added to a group chat of the VPS of your job by mistake and they are talking crazy shit and spilling secrets in there?
I woul
read that shit at night and make sure I keep receipts in case I gotta end a bitch.

so do the gays use signal?
i know telegram is the hot spot for gay insider trading.
i feel like i’ve have heard of signal before in passing.
either way,
signal got a big boost of service with the latest.
as you know,
or didn’t,
a reporter named jeffrey goldberg of the atlantic
was added to a signal group chat by accident.
in it,
many of our fearless leaders in this administration were fonting alleged secret war plans.
( x see it here )
well they tried jeff by calling him a liar by saying nothing said was classified information.
he allegedly dropped the entire alleged contents in the group chat

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ashton hall is the new Jesus and has turned saratoga water into whine

this is how monsters are made.
they were already fiending for attention as is but once they go viral:

they say money shows us who we are.
i’m here to update that a viral moment can show us who we are too.
ashton hall has gone viral for his “wake up” routine.
we got him out here seething in jealousy and comparing himself to Jesus now

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kanye is out here playing a dangerous game with people’s kids

we’ve all been guilty of talking about someone’s bad ass kid.
the tantrums in restaurants; sticky paws on your furniture.
we’ve all thought it:

“Get your little demon under control.”

…but let’s be clear,
there’s a difference between calling a kid a brat and crossing into dangerous territory.
one is rightful judgment and the other is pure malice.
kanye has sprinted past the line a long time ago.
that jackal is in a whole other town.
last week,
he decided to take a vicious swipe at beyoncé and jay-z’s younger kids:

…using a slur that should’ve ended his career.
he’s now got dj akademiks running PR for his downfall,
spreading the same garbage on a random podcast

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Lawd even the women in atl gotta hop on prep too

Why did we allow Atlanta,
the place that is the mecca for black gays and black excellence,
become the epicenter for HIV?

why did we allow this to happen?
everyone loves to have sex but why did we have to do it so recklessly?
even though this one here gets on my last nerves:

the fact she lives in atl and has to announce she is on prep,
a drug that helps gay males not catch HIV

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so about this crash out on the breakfast club this morning…

Could they not have brought this little moment in their morning meeting?

for me,
“the breakfast club”
lost the plot a while ago.
i felt like when angela yee left and they brought on jess hilarious:

That was when the violins started sinking on that ship.

i fonted to ya’ll they needed an “angela yee kind of personality” to balance it out.
they needed someone to balance out the masculine energy.
not only that,
jess gets pregnant and off the show on maternity leave.

it allllllll headed to crash out city this morning and…

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mo’nique: the never-ending and persecuted victim (le sigh)

…and she will NEVER let anyone forget it,
even when the moment is not about her.

it’s hard to root for mo’nique because it’s face it,
she is annoying.

she is “right message; wrong messenger” was a person.

…and can we font about her attaching herself to Hattie McDaniel?

tyler perry spoke at angie stone’s funeral and here go mo’nique,
with a fresh foot on his neck and making that moment about her

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