clout-chasing crescendos: hugo d almonte’s messy melody

The Dominican Jackal hit a sour note and it looks like he’s out of tune.

khalid got outed.

the response?
the fastest “yeah, and?” in history.

the outer,
hugo d almonte,
just gave us a reason to remember his name for something besides his music

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we will never hear the words “gay tupac” or “jussie smollett hate crime” again

The ghost of scandals past finally laid to rest.

in today’s “things that happened last decade…” news,
jussie smollett’s saga has officially come to an end,
courtesy of the illinois supreme court.

per tmz…

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never tell your friend when they’re being cheated on

one time,
a teenage Fox was caught in a messy love triangle that wasn’t mine to begin with.

A cheating best friend
A clueless boyfriend I was mutually friends with
The much older wolf down the block that she was fucking

it sounds like the plot of a good soap opera but it was very real.
our friendship had hit a rough patch since she started cheating too.
one truth bomb from me and the boyfriend was so happy i told him but…

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the timeline takes another twist and meagan good is part of the plot

Meagan Good is starting in a new production.
It’s called “Why Is This Happening?”

i feel like i’ve been in a state of confusion all 2024.

to add to my long list of confusion,
my sis just dropped a bombshell at the ebony 100 gala.
what was supposed to be a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it fling with jonathan majors

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uh oh, i think we created a monster out of chris sails butt cheeks

You can’t let someone know one of their bawdy parts is the main star.

chris sails butt cheeks was a Fox-vine conversation,
but ever since his leakage went viral over the weekend,
it’s probably gonna need it’s own manager and publicist.
he addressed the sudden interest in his assets:

they would have really been on it when he was smaller and it was hard to ignore:

it use to have queen going feral.
it’s the side curvage and ( Y ) on it.
ya’ll know what i’m fontin’ about.

a F-BI sent in some more alleged leakage of chris sail’s backside and…

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should i have been expecting more from this chris sails leakage?

for this following leakage,
it would be one thing if we got the “chris sails shortly after queen naija” era.

the following chris sails is the wolf you wanted and when you finally get him,
he wasn’t at his peak and let himself go.
you do it because you want to see if he would measure up to the fantasy.
your yelp review isn’t going to give him a good rating.
so one of the F-BI hit me up early this morning with:

“This was on Elon’s swamp before I delete my page”

and of course,
it was chris in full ( x expose ).
i’ll give my further thoughts below…

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